
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2018

DIW - Digital Identification Wallet

Gambar  announces ICO where initial participants are invited to join this project and contribute to the lowest possible price. Blockchain technology provides a digital trust mechanism for humans that increases the efficiency of value exchange and reduces the cost that will come closer, and here we will introduce the DIW. About DIW  The Problem DIW’s unique concept plans to put an end to the following issues plaguing our modern world: Advancing Data Breaches : There is an increasing amount of sensitive data being intercepted or even stolen globally affecting everyone – individuals and businesses alike, sometimes with unimaginable consequences both on and offline. Growing Online Fraud : Finding trustworthy and professional individuals and businesses to work with online is proving to be harder and harder. Every year, an increasing number of people and businesses are being scammed, left with substandard products, services or, even w

Gn Compass peer to peer lending platform for cryptocurrency Backed Loans

Gambar  announces ICO where initial participants are invited to join this project and contribute to the lowest possible price. Blockchain technology provides a digital trust mechanism for humans that increases the efficiency of value exchange and reduces the cost that will come closer, and here we will introduce the Gn Compass. About Gn Compass People are getting lost in the current financial system. Let Great North Compass be your guide to creating value utilizing blockchain technology.GN Compass is a lending system where investors and borrowers can exchange value.With our Cryptocurrency-Backed Loans ™, Compass offers investors good returns on investment plus added security on all funds invested. What Problem does Gn compass Solve ? For Lenders: GN Compass provides Cryptocurrency-Backed Loans ™ to create constant liquidity in the lending market. This is accomplished by allowing lenders to sell portions of loans or their entire portfolios. Lenders are

Kaching Coins ekosistem investasi lengkap di dunia didukung oleh Blockchain

Teknologi Blockchain menyediakan berbagai keyakinan digital yang dapat meningkatkan pasar uang untuk dikuasai oleh dunia cryptocurrency, Nilai perdagangan tidak pernah gratis dari naik turun harga dan uang, masuk akal untuk crypto komersial. perusahaan untuk tetap menggunakan, dan di sini kami akan menjelaskan tentang Perusahaan Koin Kaching. Kaching Coins Pada awal tahun, ada sejumlah besar pasar dan komersial yang dijual dengan fitur tertentu. PERUSAHAAN KOINS KARYA Menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbesar dengan masa depan Cryptocurrency. Perusahaan Kaching Coins Menjadi salah satu perusahaan besar dengan sukses besar di masa depan. Dalam dunia Cryptocurrency, perdagangan tidak pernah lepas dari naik dan turunnya nilai tukar dan uang, wajar bagi perusahaan untuk menjaga sistem dari investasi, kecuali perusahaan tidak memiliki ide kreatif. Apa itu Koin Kaching? Kaching Coins adalah ekosistem di dunia, didukung oleh Blockchain. Kaching Coins (KAC) adalah fungsi untuk mentransfer

NOLLYCOIN sistem Peer-To-Peer menggunakan Teknologi Blockchain Blocker Terdesentralisasi

Teknologi blockchain menyediakan mekanisme kepercayaan digital bagi manusia yang meningkatkan efisiensi pertukaran nilai dan mengurangi biaya yang akan datang lebih dekat, dan di sini kami akan memperkenalkan NollyCoin. NollyCoin mengumumkan ICO yang akan datang, di mana para peserta diundang untuk bergabung dengan proyek serta berkontribusi,kunjungi . Tentang NollyCoin  Nollycoin memberdayakan jaringan distribusi konten yang memungkinkan produser film dan karya kreatifnya bekerja sama untuk melisensikan konten mereka sebagai "kontrak kode" langsung ke basis data terdesentralisasi yang disebut "blockchain". Kontrak-kontrak ini mengotomatiskan pengumpulan dan distribusi pembayaran royalti dan tetap berada dalam kendali para produser film dan seniman kreatif itu sendiri. Konsumen kemudian dapat mengakses katalog global film yang disimpan di jaringan peer-to-peer dan membayar pemilik secara langsung menggunakan mata uang digital, ber

Gameloot Network works like an app store

Website In the early days of the game, no one could predict the video game industry multi-billion dollar trajectory. The innovators develop pixelated sidescrollers into digital odysseys through immersive land. A resource design and development tool that simplifies game-building, and more games exist today than ever before. Unfortunately, the revival of this evolution has some problems in the industry. Particularly in mobile games, centralized platforms such as Apps and the Google Play Store monopolize lionhare from market audiences. This mobile gaming outside the exchange is struggling to gather a user base. In this overpopulated platform, Indie developers do not have the budget to compete with corporate giants. The cost of design and marketing campaigns required to launch successful games often deters developers from passing on their vision, Ideas fail regardless of their reward. While gamers may not struggle to find games to play, their role in the market is not appreciate

Plentix decentralized blockchain based platform and application

Gambar announces ICO where participants are invited to join this project and contribute to the lowest possible price. Blockchain technology provides a variety of digital beliefs that can increase value and cost and we will provide a solution by introducing a platform Plentix. What is Plentix? Plentix is a decentralized blockchain-based platform and application aiming to connect and reward all participants in an online referral program. Plentix is a blockchain-based project aiming to tokenize the referral economy and spread rewards to all participants. Merchants, users, friends, even app developers may receive awards in the form of discounts or Plentix tokens. Plentix is a platform that gives developers both a tremendous amount of flexibility and the potential to earn via their developments. A developer can use the Plentix APIs to write their own software modules, either on-platform or via their own 3rd party application. On-platform modules can be integrate

Baltic.Fund - ICO Invest in Promising CEE & CIS

Who we are We are accelerator and VC, growing the most promising Baltics and CIS startups from the very pre-seed to A stage. We invest in hardware and robotics, cybersecurity, enterprise software, fintech, AI and blockchain based projects. We are also building the platform, where every token-holder gets access to the ecosystem and all the resources that help a startup to grow: mentorship, experts, media, legal services, marketing, PR, development, and investments,visit more information. The startup revolution finds new ideas to be able to change the world with innovative teams and leaders working in different parts of the startup ecosystem, however, when you look at the whole process from an investor perspective, recurring problems arise. - First, it is often better to find new startup treasures in 'developing the market'. For the most part this is a cheaper option, plus companies tend to be more ambitious. - Secondly, there is an indust

Uchit - The Hub of Communication and Collaboration based on Blockchain Technology

What is Uchit ? The Hub of Communication and Collaboration based on Blockchain Technology. Type - ERC20 Token Uchit introduces a hub of communication and collaborative tools for Individuals, Professionals and Business Entities which isn't available with existing tools. The development of Uchit is the ultimate end-to-end solution for : Personal use such as communication with friends and families.  Professional use such as collaboration for programmers, musicians, artists, etc. Professional use such as communication between Investors, Projects, Freelancers, etc. Enterprise use for corporates. Websites that want to have community features on their own webiste. (We will provide APIs) and much more. At the end, Our aims to integrate all professionals, companies, employees, and business collaboration assets into a unified blockchain ecosystem, which will make projects and business truly efficient, transparent, and reliable,Join to the Telegram

Ceyron - Token Paying Annual Dividends By Debit Card Worldwide

What is Ceyron ? Ceyron is a decentralized exchange that seeks to improve the liquidity of crypto-assets that’s more transparent and secure than the centralized counterparts currently in the market today. Ceyron is an ecosystem that’s built and operated by a network of likeminded partners across the globe in a decentralized network. Its core is based on the Graphene Blockchain Library that’s highly efficient and secure, able to scale up to over 100,000 trades per second with its delegated proof of stake consensus,visit here : Ceyron utilizes the LMAX high-speed matchmaking engine based on the graphene program to achieve a matching capability of millions transactions per second. The system’s nodes will be efficient and safe blockchain packaging services through DPOS consensus. In the future, increased scalability will come from the adoption of EOS. We believe that, by bringing innov