PAYPERBLOCK - A New Era Connects the Best Talents with Blocking Projects

Hello all Bitcoiners all over the world, on this occasion I am alfahrzs will introduce a platform called Payperblock, this platform connects the best talent with the most promising blocking projects, offers a transparent and fair platform at the lowest possible cost. For more details see the explanation below this or can visit the website

ABSTRACT Payperblock ???

PAYPERBLOCK is a blockchain-based freelancer platform, which is owned and operated by Payperblock Ltd and is used to connect professionals and jobs. The primary customer pool for the company includes freelancers who are blockchain experts and organizations.

The freelancer-base for the Payperblock includes blockchain experts who are skilled and active across different field of business and a variety of industries such as contract developers, software engineer, website developers, 3D mockup artists, writers, digital marketing personnel and remote assistants. The business will start from Finland and will later expand to other countries as the business model allows expansion to global business market.

The company headquarters is located in Oulu, Finland, as the city is rich in terms of talent and resources for the technology industry…

Our platform

Are you looking for an Independent Blocker who is experienced and experienced based on your new project? Don't look further. Payperblock is a free trading platform that works globally for block experts supported by the Payb Blockchain.

Value proposition

This intends to make the independent world more reliable, organized and reliable. In PAYETBLOCK, the stored market operating structure is consciously distributed independently. One of the main goals of the company is to keep everything fair for clients and freelancers.

What Payperblock?

The Payperblock platform connects the best talent with the most promising blocking projects, offering a transparent and fair platform at the lowest possible cost.


To provide the most efficient, convenient and robust blockchain freelancing services for its users.


To become the no.1 blockchain expert freelancing platform in the world.

Payperblock goal

- Develop mechanisms that support professionalism, customer satisfaction, and broader market reach.

- Continue to successfully manage and develop the PAYPERBLOCK brand while expanding to other complementary markets in the loose industry.

- Double-digit profit target for investors.

- To become the new face of the freelancing market.

Determination of PAYB

To get funds to implement the Payperblock business plan, the ICO process will be used. In this approach, tokens will be distributed as a way of giving people actions in the organization. A total of $ 10 billion of "Payperblock" bonds will be printed for commercial operations on the Free Trade Platform,visit more information.

Commercial Sales

We launch the initial coin offer (ICO) to issue the PayPerBlock symbol in the public block. Tokens are called PAYB and will be issued during pre-ICO and ICO. ICO will only be done on the website.

The current total supply is 10 billion. Our referral program allows you and your affiliates to receive 5% of PAYB rates for ICO purchases.


We launch the initial coin offer (ICO) to issue PayPerBlock tokens on public blockchain. Tokens are called PAYB and will be issued during pre-ICO and ICO. The ICO will be done on the website only.

The total supply of tokens is 10billion. Our reference program allows you and your affiliates to receive 5% in PAYB tokens from every ICO purchase made.

SoftCap: 1 million Dollars
HardCap: 5 million dollars


- 10% bonus
- Lock-up time bonus: 3-6 months


- 5% One Week
- Week Two 3%
- Three weeks 2%
- Lock-up time bonus: 2-3 months

Of all characters printed:

  • 45% will be available to the general public for their purchases
  • 25% will be given for cold storage development tasks in the future
  • 15% for project development and consulting equipment
  • 15% for bonuses and payment programs on the Payperblock platform


To get funds to place a Payperblock business plan in action, the ICO process will be used. In this approach, tokens will be distributed as a way of giving people shares in the organization.

A large number of 10 billion Payperblock Tokens will be printed for business operations on the freelancing platform. Of all tokens printed, 45% will be available to the general public for purchase, 25% of tokens will be provided for future assignments. development of cold storage, 15% for project development and advisory teams, and the remaining 15% for prize programs and bonus provisions on the Payperblock Platform.

The currency that will be accepted on the Payperblock platform and for the purchase of Payperblock tokens including ETH, BTC and LTC. The exchange rate for Payperblock Tokens will be determined the day before the ICO starts.




Further explanation can visit the link below:

Author : alfahrzs

ETH Wallet Address : 0x5486d0F7fd1ea4F1A17ca70f86B9EF122ff163Ab


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